
1920 documents

  • Mattia Migliore, Laure Guilhaudis, Benjamin Lefranc, Jérôme Leprince, Hassan Oulyadi, et al.. Structural characterization of turns in proteins and peptides: new NMR discriminatory parameters by molecular modelling. Congrès du Groupe français des peptides et des protéines (GFPP, 21, 2019), May 2019, Amboise, France. ⟨hal-02542520⟩
  • Vincent Reboul, Nathalie Saraiva Rosa, Guannan Zhang, Johannes Colell, Xavier Franck, et al.. Direct Transformation Of Amino Acids Into Diazirines And 15N2-Diazirines And Their Application As Hyperpolarized Markers. Semaine d'études en chimie organique (SECO, 56, 2019), May 2019, La Clusaz, France. ⟨hal-02378295⟩
  • Lossouarn Alexis. Air- and water-stable iminophosphoranes from commercial phosphine: a new direct and bio-compatible labelling of aromatic azides for easy mass spectrometry detection. Semaine d'études en chimie organique (SECO, 56, 2019), May 2019, La Clusaz, France. ⟨hal-02404330⟩
  • Pierre-Yves Renard. Sondes pro-fluorescentes et chémiluminescentes pour la détection d'analyses d'intérêt biologique. Séminaire national, Institut Brestois Santé Agro Matière (IBSAM), May 2019, Brest, France. ⟨hal-02404291⟩
  • Géraldine Gouhier. Cyclodextrin-Linked Polyvalent Ligands for Complexation of Metal Ions. Canada, Patent n° : PCT/CA2019/050603. 2019. ⟨hal-02468896⟩
  • Julie Floch. Etude de la formation de réseaux polyuréthane au sein de films multicouches. Chimie organique. Normandie Université, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019NORMC208⟩. ⟨tel-02310711⟩
  • Michel Grisel. Understanding the skin – atmospheric pollutants thanks to surface physicochemical approaches. Université de Lille, May 2019, Lille, France. ⟨hal-02566550⟩
  • Jean Marc Saiter. Thermal Analysis : A focuss on Thermogravimetry. Poly-Char 2019, May 2019, Katmandu, Nepal. ⟨hal-02149675⟩
  • H Heudier, J.P. Lorand, F Duthil, J.M. Saiter, M. Chan Huot. Rheological behavior of an interpenetrating polymer network obtained from a peanut-based mixture. Poly-Char-2019, May 2019, Katmandu, Nepal. ⟨hal-02149684⟩
  • Ivo B. Rietveld, H. Allouchi, René Céolin. On the dimorphism and the pressure-temperature state diagram of gestodene, a steroidal progesterone contraceptive. JEEP 2019, May 2019, Agadir, Morocco. ⟨hal-02149590⟩